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@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Over the years I've assembled some documentation and notes that are pretty suffi
8 8
* [Symmetric Aggregates](symmetric)
9 9
* [Test Doubles](test-doubles)
10 10
* Great articles and posts related to software engineering, security, DevOps, etc.
+ * [Things You Should Never Do]( - about how completely rewriting your code has a lot of risks
11 12
* [Death by a Thousand Microservices](
12 13
* [Learnings from code audits](
13 14
* [Please stop using CDNs for external JavaScript libraries]( (whole discussion is interesting)
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@@ -17,4 +18,5 @@ Over the years I've assembled some documentation and notes that are pretty suffi
17 18
* [Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS](
18 19
* [Big Feet in Small Shoes]( - about how when you move from a very big company to a small one, you should think hard before copying big-company tools and strategies
19 20
* [Modularity for Not-so-Dumb Dummies](
- * [Why Scrum is Stressing You Out]( I am a fan of Scrum and sprints but I also think there's some truth to this assessionment of stress and agile processes. The only thing the article is missing is actual empirical evidence about the stress level of people doing sprints.
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+ * [Why Scrum is Stressing You Out]( I am a fan of Scrum and sprints but I also think there's some truth to this assessionment of stress and agile processes. The only thing the article is missing is actual empirical evidence about the stress level of people doing sprints.
+ * [When (modular) monolith is the better way to build software](
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